About IDS

Valorie started doing things differently when she became the only female in architecture class in high school.
She then crashed the male dominated SCUBA world becoming one of 5 female Master SCUBA Instructor Trainers on the West Coast.
After selling her dive store, boat and hotel concessions to Hyatt Hotels, Valorie went on to complete her college education.
With a degree in Art and Business, and a one year old son, she started a new life in Embroidery design and Manufacturing supplying hotels and golf courses with high quality embroidered goods.
That success didn’t quell the desire to be in the construction design business, so after eight years Valorie left the embroidery company to be an unpaid intern with an established Designer.
For 23 years Valorie has been going in new and exciting directions with her colorful fabrics, clever space planning and use of new technology in the home and work environment.
There is a rhythm to life on the Hawaiian Islands that takes years to find and sync with. It cannot be taken from a picture book or website, and it certainly cannot be captured by sticking palm fronds and beach scenes on the walls.
By hiring a local Interior Designer who authentically understands life in Hawaii and its influences, your project is guaranteed to embody the Hawaiian Style.
Valorie started doing things differently when she became the only female in architecture class in high school.
She then crashed the male dominated SCUBA world becoming one of 5 female Master SCUBA Instructor Trainers in the US.
After selling her dive store, boat and hotel concessions to Hyatt Valorie went to complete her college education.
With a degree in Art and Business, and a one year old son, she started a new life in Embroidery design and Manufacturing suppling hotels and golf courses high quality embroidered goods.
That success didn’t quell the desire to be in the construction design business, so after eight years Valorie left the embroidery company to be an unpaid intern with an established Designer.
For 23 years Valorie has been going in new and exciting directions with her colorful fabrics, clever space planning and use of new technology in the home and work environment.
There is a rhythm to life on the Hawaiian Islands that takes years to find and sync with. It cannot be taken from a picture book or website, and it certainly cannot be captured by sticking palm fronds and beach scenes on the walls.
By hiring a local Interior Designer who authentically understands life in Hawaii and its influences, your project is guaranteed to embody the Hawaiian Style.